Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Please give me answers?

1.One of Harry’s best workers wants to start work at 7am instead of 9am and leave at 3pm instead of 5pm for the next two weeks while her son plays in the championship series at a school across town. It is not a big deal to change a schedule temporarily. There is no problem with work coverage. What should Harry do?

2.Dan’s group just purchased a new building to expand local operations. The building is actually just a shell of an old warehouse, to renovate to suit their needs. The move is planned for sometime within the next 24 months. He has heard lots of ideas from the staff about color, room layout, a weight room, coffee and fruit bar, daycare center, proximity of various departments to each other, and a communications center. Staff are really excited and very creative, but many of the ideas are mutually exclusive. What conflict management style should Dan to resolve issues around the building design plans?

3. Max decided the conflict situation he is facing with the rest of his marketing team is somewhat important. He has to share cube space with them and work constantly with them. This conflict needs to be resolved fairly quickly. What conflict management style should he use?

4.Which one of these indicators shows that a party will be cooperative, rather than competitive, during negotiations?
a.Negotiating issues concern deadlines.
b.They have a pattern of being competitive in past negotiations.
c.They want to maintain a good relationship with the other party.
d.This negotiation is a one-time event.
e.They hoard information.

5.Why should a party share information and reasons at the start of a negotiation process, rather than stating positions?
a.To lull the other party into a false state of superiority
b.To annoy the other party by wasting time
c.To avoid hypotheticals
d.To allow the other party to provide more creative alternatives
e.To diminish BATNA

6.Accommodation is NOT a viable conflict management option when:
a.you are outranked.
b.you are wrong.
c.you must implement an unpopular measure.
d.you will gain goodwill points in a noncritical situation.
e.someone else knows more about the situation than you do.

7.Jim, a retail buyer for a large store, was annoyed yet again with Sharon, the market analysis secretary. Jim received another market flash report on pink paper. Flashes are supposed to be green. Pink is supposed to be for routine reminders. Jim picked up the phone to inform Sharon that she is a colorblind idiot, but he paused to consider the best course of action. What conflict management style should Jim use?

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