Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To my friends, I think this means I have a soul.?

This is mostly to my atheist friends.

I think that our soul is our consciousness.

Example: I ate too much last week and I gained weight that I want to get off. To do this, I have to limit my calories to under 1000 a day. Thirty minutes ago I took my son to Sonic for a Frito Wrap. I love those. I have not eaten at all today and I am hungry. My brain says get one, feed me. My conscious said NO. So I came home and had an apple. My will power is my soul.

Now, if I don’t keep some food in my stomach, my brain will shut down my metabolism to protect my body. So, I have to fool my brain by eating fruits and veggies often. They are harder to digest, so my brain increases my metabolism. My soul is manipulating my brain and my body.

My soul exercised my own free will over what my body desires.
Does this make sense to you? If not, why? Please remember you are speaking to a simple girl from Texas so don’t use too many big words on me. Please!

Love ya.
No, my souls does not die with my brain. They are totally separate. I believe that my soul lives many lives, as well. OK, we don’t need to go there, but you know what I mean.
LOL Gandolf!

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