Monday, June 20, 2011

TF2 Spy Ownage (Kind of)

A bit of Badwater spying here. Followed with some decapitation goodness. And some Ambassador headshot fails. Failing when you’re 3 metres away from the target is not easy. But being the genius I am, i manage to do it. Song by Grape Digging Sharon Fruits called : “Mothers Pies” It’s free, you can download it here:

Eat Your Fruits And Vegetables!

Eat Your Fruits And Vegetables!
Californians seem to be listening According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Healthy People 2010 objectives, adequate fruit and vegetable consumption is a national public health priority for disease prevention and maintenance of good health. Not only do fruits and vegetables furnish valuable dietary nutrients, but they also contribute vital elements to chronic …

Read more on redOrbit

20 Awesome Free Songs

A compilation of some of my favourite songs that can be downloaded for free. Most songs come packaged in an album while others can be downloaded seperately. 0:00 “Brick Challenge” (Grappling Head Songs) – Grape Digging Sharon Fruits 0:35 “For Closure” (Under The Table Tennis) – Tim Fite 1:12 “Masquerade” (Masquerade) – The Nuri 1:51 “Applecore” (Melt) – Stegosaurus Trap 2:34 “Chrome Shuriken Dragonfire” (Reminiscience) – Ugress 3:06 “Six Million Dead Punks Can’t Be Wrong (Punk’s Not Dead)” (Songs For A Small Stereo.) – Jacob Borshard 3:43 “Katoku Pokus” (Bit Collapse) – Ninja 9000 4:19 “Little Echoes” (Invisible Women) – The Womb 4:57 “Lost Root land” (Mangled Tape Memories) – Locust Toybox 5:18 “Little Bear” (Hollywood) – Popcorn Kid! 5:50 “Geeks” (Nordland) – Binärpilot 6:26 “Checksum Panic Dance” (Mangled Tape Memories) – Locust Toybox 7:06 “Messy Bones” (Grappling Head Songs) – Grape Digging Sharon Fruits 7:47 “Mechanical Company Orchestra” (Shul) – Nebular Spool 8:33 “Innertube” (Minature Maze) – Stegosaurus Trap 9:09 “Cartape Memo” (Mangled Tape Memories) – Locust Toybox 9:48 “Taxeby Morris” (It’s Way Past Your Bedtime) – Grape Digging Sharon Fruits grapediggers

help me solve by quadratic inequalityPLEASE!?

Profitable fruitcakes. Sharon's revenue R (in dollars) on the sale of x fruitcakes is determined by the formula R=50x-x^2. Her cost c (in dollars) for producing x fruit cakes is given by formula C=2x+40. For what values of x is Sharon's profit positive? (profit=revenue – cost)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - Rickety Bones

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits – Rickety Bones

Persimmons & "New Year" ???????

The persimmon, native to China, is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It was cultivated over 2000 years in China. The Japanese Persimmon or kaki (?) or shiz (??) in Chinese is the most widely cultivated species. The persimmon is more well-known in the West as Sharon fruits named after the Sharon Plain in Israel. It was introduced to California and southern Europe in the 1800s and to Brazil in the 1890s. There are about 1000 spices of persimmons and it can be grouped into two with astringent and non-astringent taste. Soluble tannin in the fruit causes the astringent taste and it can be turned into insoluble one by storing it the carbon dioxide atmosphere or by spraying alcohol and keeping them in a closed bag for a week or so. You can keep it together with apples in a closed bag for weeks to make it sweet. The species called Hachiya, one of astringent types, is commonly cultivated earlier, however, sweet species like Fuyu (rich) is more common to cultivate these days. The sweetest type is Jiro. Fuyu is preferred in Japan as they ripe late in the autumn and are pest-resistant while sweetest Jiro ripe earlier and are likely more pest-prone. It is very common to grow the Fuyu type in the countryside in Japan as they grow without any care. China is the largest producer of persimmons, 1.84 million tons a year, followed by Korea, 250000 tons, Japan 230000, Brazil 160000, Italy 40000 and Israel 40000. The United States grows comparatively few persimmons compared to the major

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sharon fruit

sharon fruits

Image taken on 2007-11-28 07:03:11 by See Wah.

Excuse The Pun

Another non-sensical video for you all to comment with “I WONT MAI 8 SEKUNDZ BAK!2!!” Watch as I Magically transform Sharon into a piece of Sharon fruit whilst playing the penny whistle. If you like this, I’d like to meet you in person so I can look at you quizzically.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

To my friends, I think this means I have a soul.?

This is mostly to my atheist friends.

I think that our soul is our consciousness.

Example: I ate too much last week and I gained weight that I want to get off. To do this, I have to limit my calories to under 1000 a day. Thirty minutes ago I took my son to Sonic for a Frito Wrap. I love those. I have not eaten at all today and I am hungry. My brain says get one, feed me. My conscious said NO. So I came home and had an apple. My will power is my soul.

Now, if I don’t keep some food in my stomach, my brain will shut down my metabolism to protect my body. So, I have to fool my brain by eating fruits and veggies often. They are harder to digest, so my brain increases my metabolism. My soul is manipulating my brain and my body.

My soul exercised my own free will over what my body desires.
Does this make sense to you? If not, why? Please remember you are speaking to a simple girl from Texas so don’t use too many big words on me. Please!

Love ya.
No, my souls does not die with my brain. They are totally separate. I believe that my soul lives many lives, as well. OK, we don’t need to go there, but you know what I mean.
LOL Gandolf!

Cat eats sharon fruit (??? ????? ??? ?????)

??? ??? ?????. ??? ??? ?????