Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

Why We Travel: Readers Share Their Stories

Why We Travel: Readers Share Their Stories
ON April 3, inspired by the essay by Paul Theroux titled "Why We Travel," we asked readers to submit essays of their own to answer this question. Several hundred responded, relating stories that took us from the mountains of Peru to the halls of Rome. On May 1 we published three.

Read more on New York Times

Profitable fruitcakes?

Sharon’s revenue R (in dollars) on the sale of x fruitcakes is determined by the formula R = 50x – x^2. Her cost C (in dollars) for producing x fruit-values of x is Sharon’s profit positive? (Profit = revenue – cost)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

What is the most sensual and erotic book or passage of the Bible?

My choice is The Song of Solomon:
I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.As a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.
As an apple-tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. Under its shadow I delighted to sit, and its fruit was sweet to my taste. He hath brought me to the banqueting-house, and his banner over me is love.

Dragon and sharon - a fruity time lapse

A time lapse video of dragon and sharon fruit decaying Shot on a Sony A1E Music Red Ash and the Love Commandos

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What are your feeling/thoughts on Rock Of Love:Charm School Reunion?

When Sharon dumped the Fruit Punch at Megan and ripped a chunk of hair off her head!?

I thought it was Awesome! Shes my hero! lol
I hate Megan! Its what she deserves, she does not talk about family!
“You can F**K with me, I dont give a $**t, but not with my family.”

Yes I hate Megan SO MUCH! I wish the guards would o not held her and idk if u ppl saw but Rodeo was about to hit her too but the guard pulled her away!
ahh Rodeo ur awesome! lol

Heather ur not a A List Celebrity honey ok?!

Sharon fruit vs Rapid .25.wmv

Rapid .25 vs Sharon fruit

Messy Bones (with drums) by The Grape Digging Sharon Fruits

A Grape diggers song with no original drum track. I think its more of a campfire song or something. It’s a fun tune to play along to regardless. You can download the original track as well as the whole album here: grapediggers.blogspot.com Recorded, lovingly, with two Samson CO2s and an SM57 routed through a Behringer MX 1604A into my comp.

Dr Khan on TV and Sharon's Fruit - The Iain Lee Wireless Show

A clip from Iain Lee’s drivetime show on LBC 97.3 dated 14th March 2006. Dr Khan phones Iain and discusses TV and Sharon Fruit. The new Iain Lee show is every Sunday night 10pm to 1am on Absolute Radio (105.8FM in London).

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Farmers Market open to more varied vendors

Farmers Market open to more varied vendors
Johnstown’s third annual farmers market will open for business June 4, and this year, it will include more than just produce and homemade products.

Read more on This Week Johnstown

Can anyone help explain Sharon Olds poem "Culture and Religion"?

When the witch flew up to the left right left I
Remembered it- wasn't there something
Sharp which had soared into the sky on a spiral
like that over Jerusalem? The only other
movie I had seen, every Good Friday,
was the Crucifixion documentary,
noon to three, and wasn't
this the cloud-cover, from over the crosses,
their delicate shapes thickened and distorted,
stuck with their grievous human gum,
above them the liquid dart of the witch
streaked. And wasn't the witch\s home,
near Oz, Golgotha? Her broom had been the stick
on which they had stuck the vinegar sop, I
recognized it, the same prop, and the
field of poppies, wasn't that
Gethsemane? And the witch wanted
To torture them to death, like Jesus
-blood, tin, straw- what they
Were made of was to be used to kill them.
And she lived on a hill, like Calvary, where the
Crosses stuck out like pins from the globe – or
Would it have been worse in a pit, look down
And see the crosses set up below us
In the scooped-out fruit if the earth. And parts
Of the castle looked Roman, as if Dorothy
Were back in the underpopulated time, the
Eerie empty world. But what was
That harsh projectile scrap of cinder which
Pulled across the screen, turned, reversed,
And was sucked up? Nothing went up, that
Day, off the tussock of execution,
They brought him down, to the ground, down
The hill, laid him down, in the tomb
-and yet when the Wicked Witch of the West soared
Up, it was over the Crucifixion, there
Must have been a piece of fluff on the
film or a disc of soot pointed like a
burnt thing, caught in an updraft.
I remember when Jesus died the trees
Bent and groaned, there was a strong wind, we were murderers

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - Messy Bones

not mine but cool song grapediggers.blogspot.com

Worms not just for birds

Worms not just for birds
A recent workshop eased Langley residents into the wonderful world of worm composting.

Read more on Langley AdvanceNews

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Persimmon fruit

sharon fruits

Image taken on 2008-12-12 13:38:10 by Erik Hartberg.

Now and then i get really bad tummy ache and rumbles. I don't think it's hunger... (read description)?

…because i sill get it even if i eat tons! (However, eating seems to stop it.) And it’s not period pains.

It’s not frequent
Occurs at around 3:00pm on school days
I’d say i eat a balanced diet. Shreddies for breakfast; apple for brunch; bread, 2 apples, and a sharon fruit for lunch; sometimes a packet of polos when i’m walking home; then poultry and veg for tea.
I reckon i have a flatulence problem- holding them in at school… that surely can’t do much good.
If i don’t eat, my tongue goes into a spasm (or feels really odd) and there’s tons fluid in my mouth. It’s really painful.

Also, no matter how much food i cram in, my stomach is always rumbling in class at around 3 also. (and same if i don’t eat so much)

So, any ideas? Or is it just freakishly extreme hunger?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

what are ur fave fruit and veggies?

mine are avocado, tomato, melon, grapes, mango, sharon fruit, roket salad, spinach, pumpkin, garlic, apples oranges and lemons… yes i eat lemons aswell :P
lol i luv my fruit and veg :P

How many years does it take for sand cherry bushes to produce fruit in growing zone 5a?

Has any one grown the self polinationg cherry bushes called sand cherry in NY State? How many years before they fruit? Are they as easy to clone as Rose of Sharon Bushes? Please reply. Thanks.


Deadline for calendar items is 10 days in advance of the desired publication date. Send information on clubs, lectures, community events, religious events, reunions, support groups and singles to: Community Calendar, Pioneer Press, 3701 W. Lake Ave., Glenview IL 60026; fax to (847) 486-7451 or e-mail to glenview@pioneerlocal.com. The Chicago …

Read more on Glenview Announcements

Audiosurf: Grape Digging Sharon Fruits - Foliage

Me doing a playthrough of Foliage by Grape Digging Sharon Fruits in Audiosurf on Ninja Mono with ironmode. If you would like to download their music for free go to: grapediggers.com

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Neil Warnock: Exclusive: My one-night stand with a trophy wife. But the next generation aren't too bothered

Neil Warnock: Exclusive: My one-night stand with a trophy wife. But the next generation aren’t too bothered
I had a one-night stand with a new bedtime partner this week.

Read more on Independent

sugar glider / ninja boy eats Sharon Fruit part2

sugar glider / ninja boy eats Sharon Fruit perfume ????

Hometown Happenings 0514-15

Hometown Happenings 0514-15
Community happenings…

Read more on Hernando Today

Monday, May 16, 2011

In My Opinion: Political maneuvering, the diet thing, Will & Kate and more...

In My Opinion: Political maneuvering, the diet thing, Will & Kate and more…
So now it starts. With the resignation of Senator John Ensign and a Republican Governor appointing Congressman Dean Heller, who was a sure bet for the position as he had announced for the seat long ago, the political maneuvering will be epic.

Read more on Mason Valley News

Duncan urges MC grads: Serve others

Duncan urges MC grads: Serve others
A U.S. representative Sunday spoke to Maryville College's class of 2011 about hard work, perseverance, humility, service and most importantly, empathy.

Read more on The Maryville Daily Times

Sweet creations take the cake, pie ... at festival

Sweet creations take the cake, pie … at festival
Sweet creations take the cake, pie … at festival

Read more on The Palm Beach Post

what is the name of this fruit?

there is this red , juicy fruit that resembles tomato but it tases sweet. i found it i the country of Iran, Somone told me it is called Shannon or sharon fruit but i am not sure. any idea?

Davidson: Well-dressed, well-hatted crowds attend fundraisers

Davidson: Well-dressed, well-hatted crowds attend fundraisers
All dressed up with nowhere to go? Not if you were among the 860 who donned fabulous frocks, creative chapeaux — or both — and headed to Luncheon by Design or Women With Hattitude on May 4.

Read more on Denver Post

Fundraiser listings for May 16, 2011

Fundraiser listings for May 16, 2011
Food Bake sale, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today at Asbury United Methodist Church, 1611 Middle Ave., Elyria. All proceeds go toward the funding of a community carnival and benefit for Wigs for Kids. Sponsored by Save Our Children, Elyria. For more information, call (440) 323-3272. Fish fry, Friday at VFW Post 1079, 500 South Abbe Road, Elyria. [...]

Read more on The Chronicle-Telegram

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Grape Digging Sharon Fruits Jam

New album – free download www.sendspace.com Contains both song played on this video. First video’d grape digging jam featuring 2 different versions of “Travelling Mind” penned by Jimi and Cresh and a brand new instrumental song that could possibly be called “Neil Popcorn” but nothing’s concrete. The sound is all coming from a mic hanging from the lampshade. Crust & Paul = Guitar and Vocals Firth = Bass

Volunteers/Donations Needed, 5/15

Volunteers/Donations Needed, 5/15
El Paso County Office of the Clerk and Recorder Volunteer positions are available in the four statutory departments, Elections, Recording, Motor Vehicle, and Clerk to the Board, and in Information Systems, at the El Paso County Office of the Clerk and Recorder.

Read more on Denver Post

Saturday, May 14, 2011

what is a sharon fruit?

be quick im doing my home work

Sharon Hull, This Week in the Garden: Our Mediterranean climate great for citrus

Sharon Hull, This Week in the Garden: Our Mediterranean climate great for citrus
If you are a new gardener, or new to gardening in our Mediterranean climate, you will be pleased to learn we live in an excellent area for growing most citrus.

Read more on Santa Cruz Sentinel